Sustainable Development at Domaine Château-Bromont.
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the environment matters to us

Green Comity

These are the actions taken by all the departments of the Domaine Château-Bromont to promote the protection of the environment, flora and fauna.

Green Key Globa

We are a member of Green Key Global, a HAC (Hotel Association of Canada) progressive Green Key environmental assessment system that recognises hotels committed to improving their environmental performance.

We succeed by our actions and practices:

  • Charging station for electric car (2) and Tesla car (3)
  • Training at the Sani-Éco recycling centre to help raise employee awareness about the importance of the recycling system and its implementation
  • Remote working for certain departments to reduce travels
  • Training of certain members on residual waste in the kitchen and in maintenance
  • “Sauvons les abeilles” (Save the bees) project, with hive installations directly at the Domaine, which offers fairer trade honey

Inovation Comity

Short, medium and long-term projects to counter the labour shortage (e.g. payment and check-out directly from the room’s television).

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Actions by Departments Customer Service & Administration

Reception & Reservations

  • Elimination of pamphlets, the schedule of activities is now on a QR code in all rooms
  • Invoices sent to customers by e-mail (unless requested by paper)
  • Gift certificates sent via e-mail


  • Electronic pamphlets
  • Contracts are signed electronically


  • Electronic invoices from several suppliers
  • Prioritised electronic payments, cheques issued in extreme cases
  • Double-sided, black and white printing
  • No printing of statements, reports, financial statements, etc

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Actions by Departments Restaurant & Kitchen


  • Abolition of items individually wrapped in plastic, such as butter, cream, cheese, etc
  • Transforming our damaged fruit and vegetables into soups and smoothies
  • Buying local products
  • Sorting waste (cans and cardboard)
  • Recovering cooking oil

Dining Room Service

  • Use of washable and reusable napkins
  • Buffet service: each customer fills their plate according to their appetite, resulting in waste reduction

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Actions by Departments Houseeping & Maintenance


  • If a visitor stays more than one night at the Château, we change their towels only if they are not hung up (explanatory poster in the rooms)
  • Trash recycling in the rooms
  • Nespresso capsules recycling
  • Use of reusable bottles for household cleaning products
  • Use of bulk products
  • Use of glass bottles instead of plastic bottles
  • Used boxes of tissues and rolls of toilet paper are collected by the employees
  • Dry cleaning: we no longer use plastic bags in the rooms
  • Sewing kits are packed in a cardboard box
  • Purchase of local products: bottle of Eska water, local beer and wine in the rooms


  • Battery recycling
  • Paint gallons recycling
  • Metal recycling
  • Installation of LED bulbs to replace burnt-out bulbs
  • Computer equipment recycling
  • When possible, purchasing local products (e.g. air diffusers from Bromont)

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Actions by Departments Golf

  • Application of a pesticide reduction plan in conjunction with the Ministry of the Environment
  • Respect of the 3-metre cutting zone around lakes, streams and all water bodies to ensure root filtration for the benefit of our watercourses
  • Stop cutting grass in areas of the golf course that are not used to allow nature to flourish as it pleases
  • Planting specimen flowers for monarchs and admirals (butterflies) to ensure their reproduction and well-being
  • Planting a variety of flowers along the course to encourage bees to forage and help polonisation
  • Sound management of waste recovery before, during and after a day of golf, particularly after a corporate event

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